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Chicken Butchering Day 1

Just a chicken update. We got a late start- the heating element went out of the scalder- so we took an old lick tub and put it on the base of the turkey cooker and it heated the water nice. The chicken plucker is amazing and fast. We did 104 birds in 3 hours including bagging and weighing. Our neighbors are helping us tomorrow for the last 75 birds. It is ideal to have 6-7 people helping- we are paying in birds. I got “my groove on” with eviscerating and did 35 birds myself. It goes fast and is not very stinky since the plucker even gets the smallest feathers off the birds. Average weight is around 4 lbs, a few 3 and a few 5 lbs. Tommorrow we will finish and be done for this season.

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